Since 2013



Excitebike 64 joins the Nintendo 64 Virtual Library for Nintendo Switch on August 30

Nintendo announced a new addition coming to the Nintendo 64 Library for Nintendo Switch Online+ Expansion Pack members. Excitebike 64 will be the next game joining the growing library of Nintendo 64 games to play on the Nintendo Switch.

Excitebike 64 will come to the Nintendo Switch Online Library on August 30, 2023.

How long has it been since you’ve carved a blaze of glory through a pack of dirt, slinging mud into the air as you pull off incredible stunts on a motocross bike? If the answer is “too long,” you won’t have to wait to experience these thrills again, because Excitebike 64 game roars onto the Nintendo 64™ – Nintendo Switch Online library on August 30th,

Excitebike 64 originally released on the Nintendo 64 on May 2, 2000 in North America while releasing June 23, 200 in Japan and June 8, 2001 in Europe.

What are you hoping to see get added to the Nintendo 64 virtual library on the Nintendo Switch?

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