Next month, Final Fantasy VII Remake clocks in to a year since the game’s release on PlayStation 4. And while the title is playable via backwards compatibility with minimal enhancements on PlayStation 5, Square Enix is planning to introduce a new version for the next-generation system. Unveiling Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade, forefront upgrades including lighting, performance, and load times are included in the version.
Additionally, Square Enix also showcased a new story “episode” for the titular version that is also underway for this June. The add-on is revealed to feature Yuffie Kisaragi alongside Sonon that accompanies the character during the experience. However in a new interview with Famitsu, Game Director Tetsuya Nomura reveals that the DLC is presented as an add-on due to the upgraded version.
Nomura goes on to elaborate that despite the episode underway, there is no planned downloadable content for Final Fantasy VII Remake outside of the one instance. You can read the statement Gematsu transcribed from the article below:
“Due to the upgrade, it was necessary to separate the Yuffie episode as ‘downloadable content.’ However, the idea was to make a PlayStation 5 version of Final Fantasy VII Remake—not downloadable content—so there are currently no plans for downloadable content. Preparing the environment on PlayStation 5 with Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade has allowed for a smooth transition to development of the sequel. The roadmap to completion is the top priority, so if downloadable content is to be considered, it will be after completion.”
The interview between Famitsu and Nomura continues by elaborating on other neighboring announcements made recently. In regards to Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier, the game director continues by disclosing the project pursued a battle royale-type experience to reach an audience unfamiliar with Final Fantasy. Mainly, it appears the action-oriented take on Final Fantasy VII is aimed for more western players.
Additionally, the conversation also turned to Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis as well. In that, the game director also remarked that chapters for the game will be free – featuring 10 in total. However, there will be weapon microtransactions present for players looking to sport better gear on the mobile game.
Sony Interactive Entertainment this month also features Final Fantasy VII Remake as a free PlayStation Plus game for PlayStation 4. However, the console holder clarifies that the version will not be eligible for a free upgrade to the PlayStation 5 version arriving this June. You can read the full rundown by heading here.
What details are you most piqued by?
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade arrives June 10, 2021 for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.
Source: Gematsu