Hajima Tabata, the Director of Final Fantasy XV, spoke about a unique, new feature in the game during a recent event. The feature is called individual quests and they do not include all four of the characters in the game. Tabaata provided an example of pairing Noct and Prompto for the day in the morning while sending other two characters on their own. At the end of the day when everyone meets back up, the characters sent on their own will bring back all the gear and XP they earned during that day. You may also send three out at once and venture in solo for the day.
As a result of these changes, the combat and conversations with the group will also be impacted. The final version of the game will have more in depth coverage and more is set to be revealed at Gamescom with Square Enix opting out of big reveal at E3. We’ll let you know more as we hear it.