Since 2013



Final Fantasy XV's main story is now 50 hours long

In a NicoNico interview, Final Fantasy XV director Hajime Tabata revealed some details about the new Final Fantasy game. Including that the main story will now take 50 hours to complete instead of the previously stated 40. Tabata also mentions that fishing will be “fairly realistic” and  part of the main story rather than just mini-games.  The team also worked hard to make cooking realistic, including making  real food and scanning it into the game. The players will have a wide variety of ingredients to experiment with. Airships and Cactuars are going to be included as well.
Tabata said that more details will be uncovered about the game at the March 30th Uncovered event. The game’s release date and a Japanese version of a new trailer have been re-confirmed. Also included will be a playable tech demo for those present athe the event. It was also said that a Final Fantasy XV edition PlayStation 4 is in the making. Here is the interview video below. (start on 26:56)

Tabata says that the new trailer will include story and battle scenes, saying that its “costly” because they have to take varies parts of the game and putting them together is required, the team also have to meet deadlines to meet, but he understands the players want for a trailer. The team currently is working on Framerate, and balancing the overall game.
So we know now that Finale Fantasy XV will be at least 50 hours long, but will very much increase due to side quests and extra content. So will you be putting all your time into the story, or play everything that you can?

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