Since 2013



First Trilogy Of Dragon Quest Titles Announced For Switch Release Next Friday

For players who might be discouraged to grab this coming installment of the Dragon Quest franchise seeing that this will mark the 11th game in the mainline series, no problem, if you wanted to get a good grasp of the notorious RPG at the start of it all can soon do so on Nintendo Switch next Friday. Publisher Square Enix announced that the first trilogy of the Dragon Quest series will debut the same day as Dragon Quest XI next week.

Yes, although the games are already available on mobile to play, it looks that a Switch port would be more initiative for new players to grab seeing the listing on the eShop. And while the trio will be release simultaneously, each will have to be purchased separately.

Dragon Quest is listed for $4.99, Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line is listed for $6.49, and Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation is listed for $12.49.

Do you plan on revisiting the original three Dragon Quest titles?

Dragon Quest, Dragon Quest II, and Dragon Quest III will be available for Nintendo Switch on September 27, 2019.


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