Since 2013



Fortnite is rumored to have a crossover with Halo Wars

Fortnite has clearly been the leader in the games industry when it comes to the variety of crossovers it has to offer. The collaborations won’t stop anytime soon and Epic Games might be considering all possibilities or it’s that companies see great opportunity for their IPs to be featured in Fortnite.

There have been a lot of rumors as of late including a crossover with Avatar: The Last Airbender coming in the near future. According to data miners who are heavily involved with Fortnite suggest there will be a Halo Wars crossover coming to the Battle Royale at some point. There weren’t any specifics given of when this would come about, but it did raise some eyebrows from fans.

Lately, 343 Industries has been showing love towards Halo Wars with armor and an event inspired by the series in Halo Infinite.

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