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Forza franchise tops $1 billion in retail sales

December 2016 marked the billion-dollar milestone for one of Microsoft’s most-played franchises. As of December 2016, the Forza franchise has topped $1 billion USD in retail sales. Turn 10 Studio Head Alan Hartman discussed the franchise’s recent progress on Xbox Wire.
Hartman remarks that “[a]s of December, more than 14 million unique players were involved in the Forza community on Xbox One and Windows 10.” He continues, noting that at the same time, Forza Horizon 3 has sold 2.5 million units, when combining digital and hard-copy product. This, along with the studio launching both the first and second seasons of the Forza Racing Championship eSports competition , made 2016 the biggest year for the franchise to date.
Phil Spencer also spoke on Forza’s success both as a games franchise and as a community of players: “Since the beginning, Forza has combined stunning graphics, racing’s leading simulation engine, and an emphasis on fun and accessibility. With the Forza series, Turn 10 has built the world’s largest racing community [and we] couldn’t be more proud of their success.”
We have yet to hear any remarks of hints of an upcoming Forza Motorsport entry into the franchise, which is expected but not confirmed to be coming later this year. In the meantime, however, Turn 10 is running various events in Forza Horizon 3 to celebrate the shortest month of the year, so stay tuned to Rectify Gaming for our coverage for details regarding any upcoming events, as well as the latest developments on any upcoming titles this year.
Source: Xbox Wire

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