Since 2013



FromSoftware Director Interested In Making A Battle Royale

The idea of battle royale adaptations tend to be pushed aside regardless of what studio or who’s at the helm for the translated title into the booming genre. Seeing both Call of Duty with Blackout and now Titanfall, sort of, with Apex Legends, fans either agree or disagree when it comes to the studio behind the project.

Recently in an interview with The Telegraph, Dark Souls Director Hidetaka Miyazaki spoke with the outlet on the concept of the game mode we can’t seem to get away from. Miyazaki showing a glowing interest to the genre, he shares with the UK-based newspaper that “there’s always a possibility” of From Software taking on the battle royale scene with their own take on the genre.

These games are definitely fun. And we’re interested in the patterns they are taking. If we did it, it might be a bit different! But we’re definitely interested and there’s definitely that possibility in the future. We’d love to take a crack at them some day.

Adding on to his statement, Miyazaki makes a comment that despite titles like his upcoming Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice along with others like Devil May Cry V and Marvel’s Spider-Man being single player-focused games, battle royale titles bring in a new wave of diversity compared to their story-centered counterparts.

Interesting as it is for a potential From Software battle roayle to possibly being on the agenda in the future, it would be a different experience altogether as most title from the Japanese studios hold close to hand combat over firearms like Fortnite and PUBG.

What do you think would work for a battle royale if From Software actually pursued making this a reality?

Source: Telegraph

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