Since 2013



Gaming networks working together for a great cause.

As the head of Rectify Gaming I am thrilled to announce for the first time we will be doing a charity stream for Extra Life. We are partnering up with NJOYover9K, MulehornGaming, and Geekologist Radio to do a 24 hour stream. We have a goal set to $500 to raise in this event and we hope we can go even higher, here is the donation page. We may have some giveaways during this stream as well and make sure to catch the stream at and any donation is acceptable.
We’d like to thank EA, Ubisoft, and Microsoft for donating games to giveaway during this stream. We’ll be giving away games like The Division, Halo 5, Halo MCC, Titanfall 2, and hell of a lot more.
Not only are we having giveaways, but we are having 2 special guests from 343 industries. They go by the names of Unyshek and Jeff Easterling. Jeff will be coming in on the opening slot with TwiztedShotzTV at 12 AM and Uny will be coming on with Tyboy from 5-8 PM EST. We will be playing Halo 5 custom games with them and most likely matchmaking.
We will be opening up the stream with TwiztedShotzTV at 12 AM EST and closing with ChrisNunes from Mulehorn Gaming/Geekologist Radio. Full times below:

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