Since 2013



Gears 5 Takes Helm As Microsoft’s Most Successful For This Current Generation

Just one day shy of a week since The Coalition’s Gears 5 officially released and the latest installment in the series has already hit a milestone for both the developer as well as the entire Xbox platform also. Today, it was announced that Gears 5 broke a monumental record of overtaking three million players opening weekend alone.

What this means for Microsoft primarily is that the title not only reaches a new high for an Xbox Game Studio’s title, but also a record high for Xbox Game Pass too. This new feat exceeds more than double of what Gears 4 did at release back in nearly three years ago, but also being the first game to overtake Halo 4’s title as the biggest launch for a first-party game back in 2012, meaning the biggest in the history of Xbox One as well.

The four-day pre-launch of Gears 5 also applies to this new milestone atop of the following seven days following September 10. Which does explain a lot for the new record of active subscribers on Xbox Game Pass: while Ultimate Edition owners were given early access to the game, those who paid the $2 for Game Pass Ultimate were also granted the same cut to the front of the line.

Interesting enough, it was also reported last week that Epic Games’ Fortnite was finally overtaken by Gears 5 as the most played on the platform which held the #1 spot for roughly a year.

If you are shy to try it out, you can read our review instead for Gears 5 here.

Gears 5 is out now for Xbox One and Windows 10.

Source: Xbox Wire

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