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Ghostrunner, Nier: Automata, Undertale Scheduled For PlayStation Now’s NEwest Additions For August 2021

For two exciting months already, Sony Interactive Entertainment continues to provide the heat that keeps the PlayStation Now flames going. In June to kick off the summer, there was an assortment of games slated for the monthly service: Car Mechanic Simulator, Slay the Spire, Sonic Forces, Sonic Mania, Team Sonic Racing, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown.

Then entering into July 2021, a similar occurrence was brought upon PlayStation Now subscribers as another engaging month was laid upon them. Those titles included God of War, Judgment, Moving Out, Nascar Heat 5, Nioh 2, Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, Red Dead Redemption 2. Now entering August, the list is slimming down, but the impact still remains the same.

In a new PlayStation Now blog post from Sony Interactive Entertainment, there is a total of three heavy-hitters that are arriving to PlayStation Now. You can view the full roster below:

Nier: Automata

Typically, the additions that come to PlayStation Now are fairly limited with an estimated date as to when it will be removed from the list. However, Sony Interactive Entertainment offers two long-lasting entries to PlayStation Now (Ghostrunner, Undertale). Nier: Automata is only available until November 1, 2021.

While PlayStation Now is mainly a venture on console, PC users are in for a treat thanks to Sony Interactive Entertainment. Most recently in an interview with Famitsu, that Video Game Chronicles transcribed, President & CEO Jim Ryan explains the commencement for recent acquisition Nixxes Software to begin delivering more PlayStation titles to PC. You can read the full report by heading here.

Which titles are you most interested to try first?

Source: PlayStation Blog

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