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Godfall Launch Trailer Reveals Six Month Timed Exclusive Deal For PlayStation 5

Next month, public knowledge of Counterplay Games’ Godfall will turn a year old. But as of the initial announcement that took place during 2019’s The Game Awards, the game was told to only be a console exclusive to PlayStation 5 alongside a stray PC release simultaneously. While the game will still stay to that reputation coming launch day for the next-generation console, it will not remain that long forever.

Instead, it is shared by Sony Interactive Entertainment themselves that Godfall coming May 2021 will be arriving to other platforms. In the recent Godfall trailer that broke this week, Sony discloses in the concluding PlayStation 5 title card that the game is only available uniquely to PlayStation 5 until May 12 next year.

You can watch the new launch trailer in the video below:

“*Also available on PC. Not available on other consoles until at least 05/12/21,” the disclaimer reads at the end of the trailer. Gathered from the wording, the earliest Godfall is expected to hit other platforms – such as Xbox Series X|S – is the listed date. But there is room to speculate Gearbox Software would prefer to scheduled a later launch for the game on other hardware later on.

Sony Interactive Entertainment is no stranger to timed exclusive deals with games. The most recent comes from Bethesda with GhostWire: Tokyo and Deathloop for PlayStation 5. Additionally, another deal struck with Square Enix is also instated for Final Fantasy VII Remake until April 2021.

Leading up to the release of the PlayStation 5, Godfall happens to be one of the first titles to showcase the new packaging for the next-generation system. You can read the full report by heading here.

Are you getting Godfall on PlayStation 5 or waiting for another platform version?

Godfall launches on November 12, 2020 and November 19, 2020 for PlayStation 5 and PC.

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