Since 2013



Grounded Welcomes New Hot And Hazy Update This Week

To properly distinguish developer Obsidian Entertainment, it is hard to pin the game studio directly from its work. Releases ranging from Fallout: New Vegas to Pillars of Eternity to South Park: The Stick of Truth, fans always fall in line for the next release by the development team. So when it came to the announcement of Grounded, fans were surely baffled with the announcement then.

Upon launching later in spring 2020, the game continued to evolve as Obsidian Entertainment  further presses more content inward for Grounded. This past summer did the game face a new update then. In that, the developer announced The Shroom & Doom update for Grounded which welcomes new mushroom building which is entailed by the title.

This week, Obsidian Entertainment launches its next major update for Grounded, Hot and Hazy Update. You can watch the launch trailer in the video below:

“If you thought the Haze area was a deadly wasteland before, just wait until you experience the new dangers that hide within it now,” the team writes for the new update. “Even more friends have been driven mad thanks to the poisonous fumes of the weed killer, and if they don’t get you, the fungi that smothers the land explode, killing whatever unfortunate souls that stray into their paths.

“We know the Community has been keen to get this one, and the team has worked tirelessly to deliver it. The sizzling heat of the Crab Sandbox is now available for exploration! But be warned: if the heat doesn’t get you, new friends lurking in the sand may not take kindly to intruders in their domain. Stay out of the sun, and look for buried treasure that’s been hidden away in the sand. Who knows what secrets may be lurking here…”

Are you excited for the new update out now for Grounded?

Grounded is available for Xbox One, and PC; playable via backwards compatibility on Xbox Series X|S.

Source: Obsidian Entertainment

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