Since 2013



Halo 5 Guardians Update released

Today, Bravo has posted the following on Waypoint:

Happy New Year! The next time you log into the Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta, you will be prompted to download a small content update. This particular content update improves matchmaking by adjusting how the dedicated servers are selected.

Thank you for your continued participation and feedback as we continue to improve and refine the Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer experience.

We’ll see you on the battleground!

In addition, new maps and modes will be added to the rotation tomorrow. Regret and Eden will be replacing the current slayer maps and will feature BR starts, while the new Breakout game type will debut with the two maps Crossfire and Trench.

Also, the compensation nameplates and avatars for ‘Halo: The Master Chief Collection’ have been released and are available to everyone who has played prior to Dec. 20th.

Happy New Year!

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