Since 2013



Halo 5 Infinity's Armory update coming later this month

Halo 5’s update for January will be launching later in the month as expected. It’ll include new maps, weapons, armors, weapon skins, and more. Over the next few weeks we will be getting updates on the brand new content incoming and a preview livestream in 2 weeks, above you see a picture of a new map coming to Halo 5’s multiplayer which looks like another brand new arena map. A lot of us are hoping for Infection but due to a tweet Frank O’connor said there will be no infection this month. Maybe we get race? We will just have to wait and see.
Here what was posted in the community update:

“We know many of you are looking forward to jumping into new Halo 5 game types, and the team is hard at work on a wide variety of modes – ranging from competitive modes to Grifball to Fiesta to more. These are currently being slated into future Halo 5 updates, and although final timelines aren’t set just yet, things are going through engineering, test and polish, and we thought we’d give you a sneak peek at an old bit of game type concept art to wet your whistle:”

Read full update here

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