Since 2013



Halo Community Update – Rocket Party, Infinity's Armory, Esports and More

From the latest Community Update by @Brav, we receive some juicy details for this weekend’s playlist, and what to expect from the coming this month.
Yes, as mentioned in the update, there a party that is being held this weekend, and it’s different from the traditional Rockets gametype Halo fans been knowing.
*First off, direct hits are an instant kill.
*Players have unlimited ammo, no need to reload, increased jump height, damage resistance, and faster Thruster recharge (insane).
infinity's armory
As the latest update of Infinity’s Armory is entering the final stages of testing and aiming to launch this month.  It brings new maps to play on, new weaponry (and skins), new armory (and skins), various tweaks and more.
awesome update
The new update that is scheduled to launch this January, two new maps to play on as shown below.
Riptide a brand new take on of Fathom. 
As seen here, Urban is a new Warzone map that takes place on Noctus.  
We’ll be receiving more details on this map and see them in action next week on Friday, Jan. 22nd 3PM PST at (
Along with this update, there will also be a new tweak will range the weapon despawn across all Warzone from 5 to 20 seconds instead of just 5 seconds.  As so, players who have been “bullseyed by a steely-eyed sniper” will get the opportunity to reclaim the power weapon they were using, and also try out other weapons from down players.
Speaking of tweaks, there was also a glitch that was discovered in the Forge mode called “Object Groups”, and here is what the studio has to say about this.
“The idea for Forge Prefabs (our name for them) came early in our blue sky process and stuck immediately. They perfectly aligned with our desires to help cartographers build better, build faster, and build more. Additionally, it seemed to be a seamless extension of other core features we were looking at; any object/any map, multi-select, and grouping. The idea of building an amazing structure, saving it out, and placing it on different maps or sharing it with the rest of the world would be an EXTREMELY powerful tool in the hands of the Forge community; a potential game changer really. I even see it opening up the possibility of a new kind of Forger, one who isn’t focused on all the details of building a full level, but instead focuses on building pieces that others can then grab and kitbash into their own worlds.”
Last but not least, we also get a glimpse of the new Achilles armor set as seen below.
Bet this will be a new and personnel favorite of @Unyshek as mentioned in the update.
The dilemma of getting this new armor set is quite enticing, and in order to get, this is what the needs to do as mentioned below.
With the Infinity’s Armory Update coming right around the corner, there will be two Spartan Company Mastery Commendations.  The first involving the player to getting to level 3 in all Kill Commendations, which will reward them the Achilles armor.  The second reaching level 5 in all Kill Commendations, which will rewards the Achilles helmet.
To get an idea on how the Spartan Commendation works, head over 343 Pro Team’s Progress here.
As a reminder, in order to earn these awards, you have to be a member of a company who does not have the Achilles armory, (including all the gear related to it).
This weekend, the top teams from the UK are in London competing in the Halo World Championship Tour. Day 1 has come to a close with a series of sweeps.  The broadcast will kick off again at 1:45 AM PDT Saturday on
That is all and as mentioned before, more details on the new content will be showcased next Friday, Jan. 22nd at 3PM PST at

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