Since 2013



Halo Infinite – What Is The Exchange?

343 Industries has been putting out new updates for Halo Infinite bringing new game modes, maps, and armor customization options that we haven’t seen before. One of the new features that is now available in Halo Infinite is The Exchange which will allow you to acquire items that were once exclusive to events in the past.

halo infinite the exchange

What Will The Exchange Feature?

The Exchange will offer access to previously released free content that players may have missed out on. Rewards from Twitch drops, partner promotional items, and free Events will be available in this part of the shop. Premium content will not be featured in The Exchange such as items sold in the Shop or content included in a premium Battle Pass reward track.

The currency players will use for this part of the item shop are Spartan Points which can be earned by completing challenges.

Items will rotate every month and will be timed with Halo Infinite’s new Operations.

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