Since 2013



Hardware Revenue Up 232 Percent For Xbox, Services Also Up According To Recent Earnings Report

More than a couple of years prior, the recorded number of hardware sales over on Microsoft’s side of the wall proved to be disappointing to say the least. However, the Xbox company in the current state of post-launch for the Xbox Series X & Xbox Series S show to be exceeding expectations. Out of the box back in January shared that revenue was up about 86 percent.

But, it should be noted that demand is extremely high due to the lacking number of silicon readily available as units immediately sell off store shelves and online listings. An issue concerning enough that 46th U.S. President Joe Biden remarked on the concerns of semiconductors for most markets and to investigate the problem.

But in a new earnings report filed by Microsoft on Tuesday, the firm now shares that hardware revenue is now up 232 percent which nearly triples what was recorded back in January this past winter.

Overall gaming revenue is also up an additional 10 percent to the previous recoding. And as you might expect as well, Xbox Game Pass is another strong driver regarding services for Microsoft’s gaming division. In total, Xbox content and services are now up 34 percent which continues to tail behind the continued push for the platform.

As for more units to hit the production line, Microsoft confirms that manufacturing for Xbox Series X & Xbox Series S is to increase sometime later in June 2021. As unit building turns on all cylinders later this summer, it is expected that perhaps demand might decrease as consumers get their hands on new hardware. But, demand might only plateau for the beefier console.

In that, Microsoft’s ambition this generation is to push the entry-level market with the Xbox Series S. Even division lead Phil Spencer comments that the Xbox Series S could expect more in sales costing $200 fewer than the Xbox Series X. You can read the full report by heading here.

Did you get your hands on a next-generation Xbox?

Source: Microsoft

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