This generation, Microsoft hasn’t been able to create a first-party title similar to what Halo, Gears, and Forza did in the past for the Xbox console. Scalebound was scheduled to arrive this year but unfortunately, it was canceled back in January 2017. Fable Legends is another example of a canceled game many people were anxious to get their hands-on. Since then, the community has been very vocal providing feedback to Xbox to produce more exclusive games.
Speaking to Bloomberg, Phil talks about investing in first-party games by either acquiring new studios or building them from scratch. Furthermore, Phil also wants to invest more in developing in-house games from studios Xbox already owns.
“We need to grow, and I look forward to doing that,” Head of Xbox said. “Our ability to go create content has to be one of our strengths. We haven’t always invested at the same level. We’ve gone through ups and downs in the investment.”
In a similar news, we’re hours away from the world’s most powerful console – Xbox One X – launch. Are you looking forward to getting your hands on the X? Let us know down below.