One of the most suiting titles for the Nintendo Switch, No Man’s Sky, is set to release for this year. Originally, the game was previously leaked by GameStop predating back to mid 2019 at the time. Howbeit, Nintendo & Hello Games officially made the reveal more recently as of this winter with a slated release window for summer 2022.
Additionally, No Man’s Sky not too long before featured its newest add-on to the game in April, the Outlaws Update. In that, the free install welcomed a slew of new additions including galactic bounty hunting and even reinvented the space combat for the game. Now just a month later, a new update for No Man’s Sky is already live this week.
From Hello Games on Wednesday, the newest DLC is the Leviathan Update which now fills the atmosphere of planets and the vacant space with space whales. You can watch the launch trailer in the video below:
More interesting is the new narrative that comes with the Leviathan Update. “As players explore the loop, they will recover Memory Fragments, lost remnants of previous loops. These manifest as procedurally generated technology, meaning each reset of the loop may play out very differently. Faced with such difficulty, players across the world can collaborate with each other to even the odds.
“Alongside their personal efforts to break the loop, Travellers can help Specialist Polo as they research the loop’s peculiar manifestations. The more Travellers that participate in the research, the stronger the Memory Fragments become, manifesting in better upgrades, more inventory space, and stronger Multi-Tools and starships. As players seek a way to unbind the time-loop curse, they will find a story-driven adventure at the heart of the expedition.
“Follow the trail of your previous iterations, absorb memories, investigate significant sites, and work together to escape from the curse of the loop. Shattered memories all point towards an encounter with an ancient space creature, The Leviathan – but will Travellers succeed in reshaping history, or are they doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past?”
Are you interested to explore this new experience for No Man’s Sky?
No Man’s Sky is out now for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4, PC, and PlayStation VR.
Source: Hello Games