Since 2013



Insider Ring Users On Xbox Find New ‘Suspend’ Options To Boost Download Speeds For Games

In the last week or so, many users over on Xbox continue to remark on some of the unique features only found on Microsoft’s latest console. While fans are still awaiting the results of its acquisition for Zenimax Media, elements that define the next-generation Xbox Series X|S are what really leaves its users in awe still. For one, Dolby Vision is finally making its first wave over on the aforementioned consoles.

While players are already greeted with HDR support for majority of their games – even those running via backwards compatibility – the feature is being enhanced with the in-house tool by Dolby. Additionally, FPS Boost has made a second wave with a number of Bethesda games that arrived to Xbox Game Pass the week prior. Now, select titles are able to reach nearly double the performance in frames per second than on Xbox One.

Now another namely feature is arriving via Xbox Insider rings. So, players that are in the early access builds for Xbox will find yet another new feature. This time, the choice to ‘suspend’ games to better enforce more efficient download pacing when using the console.

While Quick Resume is a hallmark in what makes Xbox Series X|S so unique, multiple games running at once can also strain what the GPU is fully capable of achieving. So players can still leave their games running while managing to download faster than ever before. Also, Xbox Engineering lead Eden Marie also went on to clarify the feature is also supported for Xbox One too.

In other prominent attributes fans celebrate on Xbox Series X|S, Smart Delivery is another namely feature. With issues being apparent on how to transfer save progress to PlayStation 5, many Xbox users and Marie included remark on the significance of the feature’s simplicity. You can read the full report by heading here.

Do you see yourself using the suspend feature?

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