Since 2013



‘Interceptor’ Update For No Man’s Sky Features New Enemy Types, Improved Combat, Missions, And More

So far for No Man’s Sky this year, the big move for the Hello Games’ title is its next debut for PlayStation VR 2. The developer confirmed that the game would be a featured release for the new peripheral on PlayStation 5. Alongside that, the new version would also come with improvements as well not capable on the original PlayStation VR headset as well.

Came February, Hello Games rolled out No Man’s Sky for PlayStation VR 2 under the ‘Fractal’ Update which included mostly quality of life improvements for the game across all systems. Namely, we witnessed additional enhancements for gyro controls on capable systems like PlayStation & Nintendo Switch. The team also enabled supported left hand mode bringing more accessibility to its settings.

This week, the latest ‘Interceptor’ Update that launched on Wednesday further pushes No Man’s Sky including more combat, enemies, and missions to explore the depths of this endless game. You can watch the trailer in the video below:

“Venture to forsaken Sentinel worlds in update 4.2, Interceptor! Explore corrupted planets, fight a legion of challenging new robotic guardians, hijack their technology, steal their ships, harvest their resources, destroy their freighters, and much, much more!” Hello Games writes for the synopsis for the Interceptor Update.

While the titular update features the new ship class to add to your fleet, the new corrupted planets is where the content really shines. “A darkness spreads through the Sentinel horde. Many fortified worlds have succumbed to corruption, with strange crystals sprouting from the earth and their robot guardians twisted into bizarre new forms. Explore these purple-hazed worlds to find new buildings, crashed interceptors, secret equipment and more…”

What has you most excited for the latest Interceptor update for No Man’s Sky?

No Man’s Sky is out now for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation VR, and PlayStation VR 2.

Source: Hello Games

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