Since 2013


party animals switch

Is Party Animals Coming To Nintendo Switch?

Recreate Games’ Party Animals has been a big hit since it came to Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam in 2023. Since then the game has received consistent new content. We’ve seen the additions of Nemo Kart, New Maps, New Game Modes, and New Characters.

To kick off 2025, Party Animals became available on PlayStation 5 for the first time. Since then it has received new updates including the Contra crossover.

Is Party Animals On Nintendo Switch?

is party animals on nintendo switch

While Party Animals is available on Xbox, PC, and PlayStation, it is not available to play on Nintendo Switch. With the official announcement of the Switch 2 by Nintendo, there is significant anticipation for third-party developers to launch their games on the console. It’s possible Recreate Games will bring Party Animals to the Nintendo Switch.

More platforms will greatly benefit a game like this including the Switch which has sold over 140M units worldwide. The current Switch likely can’t handle the party game from Recreate Games, which is why they might be waiting for the successor to be released.

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