Although other prominent Nintendo properties are being starved of a Nintendo Switch release, Kirby surely is not. In fact, there happened to be two releases already. The first being Kirby Star Allies – a new mainline installment – that arrived back in 2018. However, the franchise also expanded with a sequel to a spin-off entry that fans are familiar with already.
In a surprise announcement from Nintendo in late 2020, the Japanese firm unveiled that Kirby Fighters 2 is arriving to the Nintendo Switch. What the company might not have anticipated is the premature leaking for the game. In that, a listing for the title appeared on a Play Nintendo list officially held by Nintendo.
Not to mention the shadow drop for Super Kirby Clash, fans are sure to be entertained for the time being. However, it does not end there it appears. In a finding from @SammyChanSonic1 on Twitter, the Kirby Star Allies Art Book that was only printed in Japanese reveals that General Director is ready to soon push for the next game. Shinya Kumazaki insists the “next phase” is close to being presented.
At least understanding where Nintendo is heading does reflect the statement. In extension, Nintendo CEO Shuntaro Furukawa recently stated that the firm is to pursue new intellectual properties. But, he also goes on to iterate that the company will also be backing its long-lasting franchises as well. And, Kirby is no exception, of course.
This is not the first time word suggesting more games to be underway came from an Art Book. In a similar publication from Toys for Bob’s Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time, the developer presses on the chances of a fourth game for Spyto the Dragon as well. You can read the full report by heading here.
Are you hopeful to see the next Kirby game soon?