Since 2013



Master Chief Collection getting further updates, patches and enhancements for Xbox One X

Today during Halo’s live stream which was aimed to mainly be about the Halo World Championship in 2018 and some small Halo 5 updates and news. It turns out Bonnie Ross had more in store for this stream as for the first time in a while she has talked about the Master Chief Collection.
As many of the gaming world knows, when Microsoft announced the Halo Master Chief Collection it was going to be a unique project that would have 4-5 of the biggest Halo games to ever be made into one and when it launched a lot of unexpected problems happened. The game was being developed between multiple studios between cinematic’s, getting all games to work together in one, Halo 2 Anniversary, and at during this time most of 343i was working on Halo 5: Guardians which came out the year after.
So today, Bonnie Ross of 343 Industries revealed that starting in 2018 Halo: MCC will be getting further updates, patches and enhancements for the upcoming Xbox One X which is set to be the most powerful console and of course the updates will be across the entire Xbox One family and not just the X. It is going to be a process to get MCC fully working, but this is a step and they are relying on the community to help with feedback during this time.

Here is an official statement from Microsoft on MCC:
Today, we announced Halo: The Master Chief Collection will receive enhancements for Xbox One X, as well as fixes, improvements and upgrades to the core game to help bring it forward and modernize many of the game’s systems to take advantage of Xbox platform advancements since its original launch. To help facilitate this process, 343 Industries is planning to roll out a public “flighting” program for Halo: The Master Chief Collection to allow for iterative patches and updates while testing in the wild at large scale. Right now, 343 Industries is targeting kicking this off next spring and when the time comes, we’ll need the support of our community to help test and provide feedback at large scale as we work to update and improve Halo: The Master Chief Collection. We’ll share additional details and timing as plans are locked.

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