Well well, another Friday, another community update. Brought to you again by yours truly, and this update I have a LOT to say.
But first the unbiased news stuff. First off, Brav confirmed the update is NOT due next week (I’m disappointed because it could’ve released on my bday), but more info will be given soon about the specific date. We then got into Infection details (yay!), which include:
- Total player count: 12
- Number of rounds: 4
- Round time limit: 3 minutes each
- New Custom Game option: “Last Squad Standing”
- Spartans have all Spartan abilities (naturally!)
- Infected have Thrust, Smart Scope, Stabilize
- New medals
We also confirmed that the arena map we saw in the teaser is names Stasis, and that Infection will have it’s own unique medals (Killing sprees, etc).
Now on to the fun stuff; REQ’s. We got a brand new REQ list (Naturally) with some pretty interesting… items. Let’s start simple, first off is the Brute plasma rifle (we saw in firefight trailer so no big surprise). Then we have a mythic to what could be Jorge’s gun (Turret with effect *Most likely overshield in my opinion), then a BS (In my opinion) not even hinting at what it could be ONI card. It is single use and is NOT mythic, so we might be looking at a falcon. Then we have emblems for Emile and Jorge, the Reach AI, 10 and drones, and they look pretty sick. We’re getting all the skins found in the Skin Pack from a few weeks ago (blue team, ODST, etc), and as we all know, Noble team’s helmets (Jorge, Kat, Jun and Emile (Called wrath)). We are getting 1 new visor, 1 new assassination, 2 new stances (Brute PR & My guess on 2nd is Jorge’s turret), and a new weapon attachment for the AR, BR, SMG and DMR (although the SMG was labeled DMR xD). Anyway, full ist in case I missed something below.
Then after that we just got more talk on REQ balancing. They released stats for swords and Fuel Rod canons (Pool of Radiance is crap apparently). So we’re getting our Plasma Casters, Hydras, Twin jewels, needlers and Splasers buffed to be better/more tuned in this update.
Now for my favourite (More for the leverage of you reading who want these REQ’s) thing in these updates: Calculating REQ pack costs. *Deeeeep breath in* let’s roll.
- 0 Bronze
- 8 Silver packs
- 14 Gold
140,000 + 40,000 = 180,000 REQ points for everything in this update
This has been Jacob bringing you another Halo community update, and until next week spartans, stay rectified