Updates are very in the video game industry and they are just the same in the Minecraft community. But sometimes we do not get updates on when things will be introduced as they could change. Well we never receive dates. While this will never change, we sometimes get time frames of when things will be released.
That is what happened today. Today while on an official Minecraft livestream, Matt Gartzke, a community manager on Minecraft along with Jess, confirmed that we would NOT get the 1.9 update in January.
This could be because there are so many platforms to certify on and they cannot confirm if an update will even pass cert or that the update has not been sent to cert yet. So many things could change. A few more bug fixes could also be introduced before it releases although we do not have official wording on what bugs have been fixed and may be introduced.
While 1.9 will not be a massive update, it will be a decent sized update based on the beta updates we have received and based on the changelogs. But it could change.
This clip comes from the official Minecraft Livestream.
Source: https://clips.twitch.tv/SolidTangentialTermiteSaltBae