This map is available on the Minecraft Marketplace for 990 Minecoins. The Marketplace is on Xbox One, Windows 10, iOS, Android and Nintendo Switch.
This map is called Advanced Farming by Gamemode One.
It is time to get those old tractors and vehicles out of the barn! Advanced Farming is here on the Marketplace and it is jam packed with multiple vehicles, animals and some nice sounds. But how does it put up to similar maps which have a similar purpose to it?
This map has a very clear, clean and fresh appearance. Everything that has a new texture in this map is easy to spot and see what item is what. The animals have extra textures and geometry to them which makes it nice. The Vehicles and the buildings has a nice clean cut to them and you can see how much dedication was put into these assets.
The gameplay that this map is very… relaxing. After a small tutorial, you can really get into the play style of this map with both farming and expanding. You have to collect resources and trade them to upgrade certain ones and there is a cycle there. Trying to get around the farm on a slow tractor can be difficult at times but it is manageable. The map has a large area to extend your farm but the buildings could have been expanded in certain areas of rarity.
This map sure does put up a fair fight for maps which the same concept as it. While it is a bit more expensive than other maps with the same concept, in return you can receive more items and things to do.