Since 2013



My Sony E3 predictions

It’s hard to imagine, that we are already at that time of the year, that ever gamer looks  forward to, E3. So I thought, I would do a predictions article on how  one of my favourite  gaming company’s , E3 keynote will turn out. 


First off, Sony will most likely be late to start, It happens every year, so I don’t think this year will be anything less then the same when it comes to that but you never know. Uncharted 4 is likely going to start the show for Sony, Just like it did at last year’s PlayStation experience event in December, with it being delayed till early 2016, I would imagine a long demo perhaps 20-30 minutes and maybe a look at how Uncharted the Nathan Drake collection is coming along as well ,which is due out this October.

 After then we should see the CEO of SCEA , Shawn Layden coming out to talk about PS4 sales and some other business stuff , probably a brief mention about the  PS3 and PS Vita as well their PlayStation services, along with the latest version of the PS4 OS.

Following on from that we will likely see some exclusive indies, the biggest one being the timed exclusive No man’s sky, which is apparently due to come out this year so perhaps a release date.

Project Morpheus

 Sony is supposedly, going to be  spending around half of their keynote talking about their project Morpheus VR  headset, While I am looking forward to project Morpheus, I do feel like they should do a separate event for it but that’s just my opinion, but if they do talk about it, I can see it happening early on, and will include the finished design , the final name and a price tag being announced .

 Then back to the games, Street fighter V will make a appearance, as it is console exclusive to the PS4 (will also be available on PC) ,

Street fighter V pt 2

other PlayStation only  games to  appear should be  Until Dawn, Persona  5, Drawn to Death, the re-imagined Ratchet and Clank, Dragon Quest heroes but that’s more then likely going to appear at TGS (Tokyo game show). Some kind of mention about Destiny, Sony and Bungie  have had a exclusive marketing deal for the FPS since it was first announced  way back in 2013 ,including PlayStation  owners getting some PlayStation only  DLC for a year, before it goes to other platforms  and with the biggest expansion so far  apparently coming out this year, Sony will be the first  talk about it.

Some other 3rd party games that will show up, will most likely include Star wars battlefront, Batman Arkham knight, Assassin’s  Creed syndicate, perhaps Call of Duty Black ops 3 and a few others.

To close the show Sony will show off the first  trailer of Horizon  a exclusive PS4 open world RPG , being made by Guerrilla Games (the makers of the killzone series).

Also maybe just maybe ,The Last Guardian will finally appear again after not showing it’s face since 2009, probably not but I can hope.

What do you think Sony will have in store for their E3 keynote?


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