Since 2013



New GTA Online Bikers Update

With the amount of updates, free as well, that Rockstar has added to Grand Theft Auto V Online in the 3 years the game has launched it seems like they would have ran out of ideas by now, but it’s nothing from it! The latest Online Update has just released today and this time you’re able to make start motorcycle clubs and customize bikes never seen in the original game.
In GTA Online: Bikers you’ll be able to create your own motorcycle club up to eight players with everyone having a specific role as they fight other MC’s and support the club. Joining a club has it’s benefits with abilities to call for hit, dropping off equipment and making formations. And every club has to have a clubhouse, there’s 12 new locations across Sand Andreas to set that’ll come with activities as well as an custom bike shop. And Even the President to set up contracts for the gang to do in return for RP and GTA$. Similar to the Finance and Felony Update you’ll be able to make a business how you like from counterfeiting money to selling drugs at large proportions.
With every Update also comes with apparel, weapons and vehicles. A new wardrobe of biker gear to give your player the official look. And new weapons like the sweeper shotgun and compact grenade launcher. And more to the melee arsenal with the battle axe, pool cue and pipe wrench. Following with thirteen new vehicles added to the game to give a variety to when you choose what you’ll take over Los Santos with.
And with a new Adversary Mode: Slipstream. Up to 7 maps you with a group of people must stick together to race through checkpoints as you use the slipstream to beat one another to the finish line. Even with a few melee hits can bring you one step closer to the front.

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