Since 2013



New ‘Heart Attack’ Update For State Of Decay 2 Adds Horde Outpost System

Come this June will mark the three-year mark since the announcement for State of Decay 3. And while fans are still patiently awaiting the new installment, there is plenty of content that came for the current State of Decay 2 which arrived throughout the wait. For starters, the Homecoming update for the game shipped in fall 2021 which included additional bases for the State of Decay 2.

Additionally, a massive graphical overhaul to the base game was also added later on. What it included featured visual improvements to the classic maps of the game as the title embraced the new console hardware. Undead Labs more recently celebrated more than 11 million players logging into State of Decay 2 back in September as well.

In a new announcement this week, the latest ‘Heart Attack’ update for the game welcomes a new horde outpost system, Infestation. You can watch the trailer in the video below:

“Every few years, the survivors of the zombie outbreak are reminded that the Blood Plague threatening their communities is constantly mutating and adapting new ways to kill them. Plague Hearts now only seem to act once provoked,  sending out zombie hordes to infest sites, spread towards your base, and besiege your community!” the description shares.

“These Infesting Hordes now create and reinforce Infestations, using them as forward operating bases along the path to your community. When Infestations finally arrive within striking distance of your Home Base, they form Siege Sites, which will grow until they are ready to launch a coordinated assault on your base. These new directed Infestations and Sieges are a more deadly and dynamic threat than you’ve faced before, but can also be controlled with a bit of strategy and grit.

“Now, your only hope for survival is to push back the Infestations and keep Sieges under control until you’re ready to take out the source of it all: the Plague Hearts.” Elsewhere, Undead Labs was put into the spotlight from one Kotaku report sharing unorganized leadership at the developer which answered for the prolonged wait for State of Decay 3. You can read the full report by heading here.

How excited are you for the new Heart Attack update for State of Decay 2?

State of Decay 2 is out now for Xbox One and PC.

Source: Undead Labs

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