Since 2013



Nintendo President Tells To Invest In More Original IPs Alongside Its Already Established Franchises

Under the current wave of titles from Nintendo with the release of the self-named Nintendo Switch more than four years ago, the Japanese game studio relied heavily on its already prominent franchises and properties. That is not to say that Nintendo did not offer new and unique releases, but that majority of its additions to the latest system is of familiar brands.

Looking ahead, corporate Nintendo already recognizes that the Nintendo Switch is already at its halfway mark of the lifespan for the system. However, the firm is adamant in bringing more to the table leading ahead. “We’re able to offer a wide variety of different games because the Switch is both a home and portable console, but there’s much more that can still be done in the coming years,” CEO Shuntaro Furukawa stated earlier this year.

Now to add more clarity, Furukawa in a recent interview with Nikkie, and translated by Video Game Chronicles, it is told that Nintendo will be pursuing more original properties for its platform looking forward.

With the expansion of time spent at home, the range of ‘entertainment’ as an object of consumption is expanding. Games are not a necessity of life. In order for customers to choose games in their finite time, they have to be interesting. Competition is tough, and I am not optimistic. I myself am looking at and studying various forms of entertainment.

In the future, we will focus on creating new game series as well as long-sellers such as Mario and Zelda. We are constantly building up ideas for the new consoles the market is expecting, but there are some things we can’t do now due to technology and cost constraints.

To anticipate Nintendo’s next major move, it is reported that the Japanese company is planning to tackle a new SKU for Nintendo Switch that offers more power with the result of a higher resolution and greater performance. So, with more capable hardware are to also bring new ideas. Previously, Bloomberg issued that a surplus of games are possibly being savored in favor for the reported model.

Compared to Sony Interactive Entertainment, however, Nintendo appears to be taking risks to experiment with new properties. In a separate Bloomberg report, it is told that the PlayStation company is relying on its established franchises as namely game studios are to be tent pole priorities for Sony’s risk-averse approach. You can read the full report by heading here.

Are you excited to see what new games are to come from Nintendo?

Source: Video Game Chronicles

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