Since 2013



Nintendo To Launch A Pro & A Slim Switch This Year

Reports from The Wall Street Journal indicates that Nintendo will be releasing two new models of the Switch. It is believed that they will be announced during the company’s  E3 2019 Direct where they have most of their major announcements. The two models would be a Switch Pro and Slim kind of how Microsoft and Sony have done with their respective consoles although, the enhanced Nintendo console will not be as powerful, but aimed at avid videogamers.

The Nintendo Switch Slim would get rid of some features like the HD rumble and would be portable focused and it would be an attempt to bring over 3DS users. The outlet also says that the devices will look different from the original and some of us might be surprised. This is currently just a rumor, but The Wall Street Journal has been correct multiple times before. If the Slim would be aimed for gamers on the 3DS that would mean they want to slow down their support for their 2011 handheld console. Who knows, some of the other things about this upcoming slim console could be that you can’t remove the joy-con controllers, but that is just a guess.

Prices for both console models remain to be seen. We will have to wait and see what the official specs would be for the Nintendo Switch Pro and it looks like we won’t have to wait too long as E3 is creeping up fast.

Recently, Cuphead was announced for the Nintendo Switch with Xbox Live support. Pokemon Sword & Shield are aimed to come out this year and would make a great launch title with these new consoles.


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