Since 2013



Party Animals introduces a new map, Luggage Chaos and two new characters

Recreate Games recently put out an update for Party Animals that adds more content to the game including new characters, outfits, a free event pass, and more. There is a new Spring Festival Event that is currently going on until February 25, 2024, and it brings in the Shen Loong Pass that is centered around the new Lotus character.

The developer also added a brand new Team Score map with Luggage Chaos that is very similar to the Lollipop Factory, but this time you have to deliver a certain amount of suitcases. Both teams will also fight over the coveted golden suitcase that will help you get more points faster if you win the battle.

party animals new lotus character

Along with Lotus the loong (Dragon), Recreate Games introduced Gopher the marmot to the game as another new character. There are also a ton of outfits to choose from with the event happening until the end of the month.

Here are some of the other updates added to Party Animals:

  1. Improved matchmaking experience for new players in quick matches.
  2. In Winter Cabin, the outdoor area where characters can move around without being frozen has been enlarged.
  3. Throwing items in Paws can now knock away players blocking your card view.
  4. In Winter Cabin, the cooldown time before character respawn has been reduced.
  5. A cooldown mechanism has been added to the start game button of Paws to prevent accidental pressing.
Bug Fixes
  1. Fixed the issue where occasionally certain player’s name tag will not show in game

Party Animals is only available on Xbox and PC via Steam.

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