Electronic Arts will release a Burnout Paradise HD Remaster for PlayStation 4 in Japan on March 16 for 4,104 yen.
The game is a high-definiton remaster of the 2008-launched PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC open-world racer.
In early December, rumors of a high-definiton Burnout Paradise remaster for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One appeared on Brazilian blog GamePress, which cited listings for each version in a supplier database. The release date was listed as March 1.
While only a PlayStation 4 version seems to be planned for Japan (physically), it will more than likely come to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 for the rest of the world at some point this year.
PS4「Burnout Paradise HD Remaster (仮称)」
3月16日(金)発売、4104円。2008年にPS3/Xbox360/PCにて発売され、箱庭系レースゲームの先駆け且つ金字塔として圧倒的な高評価を得た本作が、遂にHDリマスター化されて次世代機に登場!#バーンアウトパラダイス #BurnoutParadise pic.twitter.com/q9ftZGuzsC
— れんか (@Renka_schedule) January 5, 2018