Since 2013



PlayStation Now update for November brings 105 new games


As part of it’s  streaming service PlayStation Now, Sony updates the library of games every month. November’s update brings 105 new games for a total count of 250. Some of these games included.

  • Resident Evil 6
  • Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition
  • Resident Evil 4
  • Street Fighter 4
  • Street Fighter 3: Third Strike Online Edition
  • Lost Planet 3
  • Lost Planet 2
  • Lost Planet: Extreme Condition
  • Samurai Shodown
  • Fatal Fury
  • Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge

Which games do you want to get added to the PlayStation Now service?

The PlayStation Now subscription plans, cost $19.99 for one month and $44.99 for 3 months, and works on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita , Sony and Samsung TV’s.


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