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PlayStation Now Users Base Doubled As Service Now Exceeds 2.2 Million Subscribers

PlayStation Now during this ongoing global pandemic has shown to receive exponential growth according to the most recent financial report shared by Sony. The document tells that as of April 2020 for the game streaming service, PlayStation Now active subscribers has doubled since the last recording back in October 2019.

While it could be suspected that the holiday season might have swayed the sales figures perhaps, it does not look to be the case for this situation as metrics for PlayStation Now only grew 300,000 between March and October of last year. But with PlayStation 4 owners stuck inside and most establishments encouraging individuals to stay home, it is presumed that the PlayStation Now user base has grown tremendously.

According to the financial report, October 2019 marked at 1 million users roughly, but now in May there are well over 2.2 million PlayStation Now users on the service. Even more, remote play for the PlayStation 4 has also shown to be receiving an influx of users according to recent recordings. In contrast to the prior metrics from December 2018 to December 2019, remote play has scaled increasingly by 2.5 times more.

However, Sony did not spare the precise number of users for the game streaming feature for PlayStation 4 and mobile devices. Now with this boost in its user base for PlayStation Now, the service could expect more growth in the coming months through word of mouth and growing popularity of the service. With PlayStation Now being established back in 2014, it is surprising how little traction the service has picked up being the lead selling console this generation in contrast to its competitor.

Microsoft in a recent report shared that Xbox Game Pass has just exceeded 10 million subscribers as of April since the debut of the service back in 2017. While Xbox Game Pass does also sprawl across Xbox and PC, most of its users recorded utilize the service through console gaming primarily. So it is odd to see the platform with half the sales figures of the PlayStation 4 perform better in its respected game streaming service.

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PlayStation Now is available pricing at 1 month for $9.99, 3 months for $24.99, and $59.99 for 12 months.

Source: Sony

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