The Pokémon Company announced a new animated web series titled Pokémon: Paldean Winds, which brings the Paldea region to life in an all-new way. It was revealed during the recent Pokémon Presents that was hosted on August 8, 2023.
This limited original series follows three academy students—Ohara, Aliquis, and Hohma—on their journey of growth and learning while attending school.
Pokémon: Paldean Winds is limited to just four episodes featuring animation from WIT STUDIO. The series will be available exclusively on The Official Pokémon YouTube channel.
Other announcements from the Pokémon Presents shared another animated series, Pokémon: Path to the Peak premiering on August 11. Game updates included the first DLC for Pokémon: Scarlet & Violet. Pokémon Stadium 2 and Pokémon Trading Card Game have also become available in the Gameboy Library on the Nintendo Switch.