Since 2013



Pokemon Sword & Shield Expansion 2 The Crown Tundra Arrives On October 22

This coming November, the latest iteration from The Pokémon Company – Pokémon Sword & Pokémon Shield will both be turning a year old. And what makes things even more baffling, a third game for this current Pokémon generation is not on the way. Instead, players were greeted with the concept of an Expansion Pass to replace the additional experience by bringing added content to the pair of games.

This past June, The Pokémon Company ushered in the first expansion, The Isle of Armor. With that, players were taken to an isolated island away from the core Galar region setting to take on a new journey with new Pokémon and locations to visit. Howbeit, it was certainly not the end of the games as the second DLC has yet to arrive, The Crown Tundra.

While we did learn of some of the legendaries that will be introduced in the latter add-on, there was still much left unanswered – even the release date. But in a new Pokémon Direct, The Pokémon Company finally brings clarity for The Crown Tundra. You can watch the presentation in the video below:

With a new abundance of introduced Pokémon said to be included in the new expansion slated for this November, players can also expect more Pokémon to be reiterated upon. In the form of Gigantimax, Melmetal and will be blown up for these new raid-focused roles for players to team up in the efforts to overtake in The Crown Tundra DLC. Slowpoke on the other hand will receive a Galarian adaptation to bring new character to the classic Pokémon.

In addition to that, The Pokémon Company also revealed that both Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield will be resold with the Expansion Pass for the game in November. So while fans will not be expecting a third game to take the spotlight, there is the new bundle which fills the shoes for that.

What new additions are you most excited for The Crown Tundra?

Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield are out now for Nintendo Switch.

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