Since 2013



Predator DLC Coming To Mortal Kombat X In June

According to a report by, Mortal Kombat X is getting a Predator DLC pack this June. In addition to the Predator himself, Colonel Dillon who was Carl Weathers’ character in the movie, will also be included. This news is 50 Shades of Awesome as Carl Weathers has reportedly offered to lend his likeness to the game.

As excited as we were for Mortal Kombat X, this news just adds to it. After all, Colonel Dillon’s fatalities should be amazing because, as we know, he ain’t afraid of no man. I doubt that Arnold’s signature line of “You’re one, ugly mother f****r” will be in the game”.

We’ve reached out to NetherRealm Studios and Warner Bros and will update you as soon as we hear. Stay tuned.

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