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Psyonix Presses On Next-Gen Enhancements For Rocket League On Xbox Series X|S & PlayStation 5

As next-generation systems go, expect your favorite games to continue onward with better optimizations for the respected title. For the sake of Rocket League, developer Psyonix ensures that players will find experiences to only increase thanks to the new hardware being shipped by both Microsoft & Sony this November.

In a new blog post today, the Rocket League team presses that everyone’s favorite car soccer title will be expecting next-generation enhancements come the Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5. Elaborating on the matters, the studio tells that both systems can expect the game to target 4K resolution with 60 frames per second performance on the new consoles.

You can read the full clarifications in the list below

Xbox Series X

Quality Mode – 4K resolution with 60 frames per second and HDR support.
Performance Mode – 2688×1512 resolution output with 120 frames per second and HDR support.

Xbox Series S

Quality Mode – 1080p resolution with 60 frames per second and HDR support.
Performance Mode – 1344×756 resolution output with 120 frames per second and HDR support.

PlayStation 5

Default Mode – 4K resolution with 60 frames per second and HDR support.

The video quality options are told to be available at a later time when Psyonix ships out an update for the consoles. As for launch, Rocket League will operate at 4K, 60 frames per second, and offer HDR support.

Elsewhere concerning Epic Games-publisher titles, the firm announced the new enhancements that Fortnite players can find for the battle royale on next-generation consoles. You can read the full report by heading here.

Are you excited to replay Rocket League with these new enhancements?

Rocket League is out now for PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox Series X|S; coming to PlayStation 5 on November 12, 2020 & November 19, 2020.

Source: Psyonix

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