Since 2013



Psyonix Teases New In-Store Look For Rocket League

Back in August, Rocket League developer Psyonix announced that the team will be done with the implementation of lootboxes disguised as Crates which players can use real-time currency to purchase boosters and other virtual items. While the studio did show to be ambitious about this power move for the 2015 title, how exactly the team plans to implement a new system that replaces the current was left out at the time.

This week, Psyonix finally resurfaced with new information regarding the new Item Shop for Rocket League. Revealed from the latest blog post, this replacing storefront is said to be a new way for players to browse through all the available in-game so users know exactly what they are using their resources towards. Abandoning the previous showroom, players will be able to find the Item Shop the same through the game’s main menu.

The page will display two separate timers: Featured and Daily. The first will be exclusive item that users will be able to put their credits towards and runs for 48 hours: the more self-explanatory portion will only be up for 24 hours before resetting with new item up for purchase. Psyonix truly emphasizes player consent before purchasing as they clarify that the type of paint, item, or blatant rarity will be made apparent on the Item Shop. The same can be said for how many credits the respected in-game product might cost.

Here is how the game’s virtual currency converts to USD:

  • 500 Credits – $4.99 USD or region equivalent
  • 1100 Credits – $9.99 USD or regional equivalent
  • 3000 Credits – $24.99 USD or regional equivalent
  • 6500 Credits – $49.99 USD or regional equivalent

Reconfirming what the team announced back during the Summer, all premium cars that are available via the latest DLC for the game will be available until next month’s title update. If already in possession of said items, they will still be in your inventory following the update. Interesting enough though, Psyonix does share that those items in circulation might return to the Item Shop, but that will be available at a later date. Respected Eports-themed items will also be receiving its own Item Shop tab.

What do you think about this store revamp for Rocket League?

Rocket League is out now for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

Source: Psyonix


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