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Rare Offers Insight On Sea Of Thieves And The Upgrades To Come On Xbox Series X|S

For those that recall to the early fragments of 2020, there was plenty of uncertainty as to what the Xbox Series X and then-codenamed Project Lockhart would offer in the tense of performance. For that matter, the same can also be said for content as well in regards to first-party software. But while that question is still left unanswered even today, it is confirmed that a handful of unique properties will be receiving next=gen upgrades for the new hardware.

Among those, developer Rare told that Sea of Thieves will be among the dozens that expected to receive new console enhancements. While Smart Delivery is one program that is emphasized to bridge generations with next-generation benefits, Sea of Thieves was one of the few at the time to be branded for the Xbox Series X.

Now in a new blog post, the U.K. team returns to truly define what is included in the bundle for Sea of Thieves on Xbox Series X|S. Among the broader details to be offered on Xbox Game Pass for the new consoles, Rare goes to elaborate on the features only found on the new systems.

The first thing you’ll notice is how it looks: next-gen console players will experience the beauty of our pirate paradise like never before when they experience it running at 60 frames per second in full 4K definition on the Xbox Series X, and 60 frames per second in 1080p on the Xbox Series S.

Then there are the performance improvements: the greater processing power of both new consoles will lead to significantly reduced load times, helping players get into the action (and back into the action after sinking or visiting the Ferry of the Damned) much more quickly.

Joe Neate, Sea of Thieves Executive Producer

Alike on Xbox One and PC, cross-platform play will also be activated for Sea of Thieves when the game arrives to Xbox Series X|S. Noted, that includes Xbox, Windows 10, and Steam versions of the game.

Of course, the next-generation of Xbox is not where Sea of Thieves meets its end. On the contrary, more updates are presumed to unravel for the title well after the Xbox Series X|S ship. Most recently, the Vault of the Ancients Update launched for Sea of Thieves which included new gold-seeking adventures and canine companions. You can read the full report by heading here.

Are you returning to Sea of Thieves on Xbox Series X|S?

Sea of Thieves breaks land for Xbox Series X|S on November 10, 2020; out now for Xbox One and PC.

Source: Rare

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