Since 2013



Refunds Offered to all Owners of Batman: Arkham Knight Purchased on Steam


Batman: Arkham Knight

In response to the ongoing debacle that has been the PC release of Arkham Knight, developer Warner Bros. has announced it is offering a full refund to anyone who has purchased the game on Steam. From the game’s Steam page:

“Until the end of 2015, we will be offering a full refund on Batman: Arkham Knight PC, regardless of how long you have played the product. You can also return the Season Pass along with the main game (but not separately). For those of you that hold onto the game, we are going to continue to address the issues that we can fix and talk to you about the issues we cannot fix.”

Originally launched in June to horrific bugs and problems, Arkham Knight’s sales were quickly suspended pending patches for those who already owned the game and an eventual re-release. After four months, Arkham Knight re-released a week ago, but many of those bugs were still prevalent. The refund only applies to those who purchased the game on Steam. Those who received a game code from purchasing Nvidia video cards or those who purchased through retail or other outlets are not included in the refund.


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