Since 2013



Report: Microsoft is Working on a Game Pass Family Plan

New details have emerged regarding Xbox Game Pass today. The report comes by way of Jez Corden at Windows Central, who states that Microsoft is moving ahead with a family plan for Xbox Game Pass.

This new plan would allow up to five users to access Game Pass on a single account. One central gamer tag would be the account holder with up to four additional users tied in. No prices were available at the time, but the report states it would be far cheaper than what five separate accounts would pay. This goes without saying, as five Game Pass Ultimate subs cost $75 a month currently.

No timeline was available as to when Microsoft would officially reveal this new plan, and we will have to wait and see if it does in fact come true. Pricing is key with family plans, and the number of users one has is equally important. I can already see the deals being worked out between friends. “Hey bro, let me jump on your Game Pass”. You know it’s coming.

What are your thoughts on this? What price point would be a selling point for you? Let us know below.

Windows Central source

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