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Report: Nintendo Scheduling To Ship A New Switch Model In 2021 With More Power & 4K Support

As of reporting, Nintendo Switch is and continues to shake the video game market with the sheer success of the platform with just a little over three years under its belt. As of reporting this August, the console is penned to be most popular system to date for the entirety of 2020 as told by The NPG Group. Howbeit, this biggest surprise of the Switch’s commercial performance comes from the limited hardware in contrast to its competitors.

While the console/handheld does offer standard resolution and performance for most games, it does not hit the higher benchmarks that be found on the Xbox One X or PlayStation 4 Pro. And although it is not entirely necessary to reach these presumed quotas for games, it does baffle many to illustrate that the overall market does not ask for more when it comes to the Nintendo Switch.

And while the base system did receive an updated CPU and set of storage chips to offer more preferable performance with a longer battery life, a unit closer to the opposing console has yet to exist. But in a new report from Economic News Daily, a Taipei-based publication transcribed by Video Game Chronicles, the newspaper pens that a new model is underway for a 2021 release.

Exciting as it might be, those who follow the trail of news surrounding the Nintendo Switch last year might recall a report suggesting a newer line of devices to ship alongside the base system. While the one was later revealed to be the Nintendo Switch Lite that arrived in September, the latter beefier SKU never saw the light of day well over a year since the initial reporting.

Taken from the recent report, it is suggested that the unannounced Nintendo Switch variant will offer more intuitive “interactivity” alongside an overhaul to the hardware’s image display. On top of a more capable unit with additional computing power than the base model, the unnamed Switch is also marked to hit 4K resolution as well.

Gathered from Bloomberg, the outlet pens to be corroborating with the initial report and adds that Switch user can find titles hitting the visual benchmark on the newer model. Takashi Mochizuki elaborates that the planning for a new system could explain the current drought of first-party releases for Nintendo Switch with an abundance planned to arrive the same time as the new hardware.

What do you hope to see from the supposed beefier Nintendo Switch?

Source: Video Game Chronicles

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