Since 2013



Resonance of Fate Remastered announced for PS4 and PC.

Resonance of Fate was always and underrated RPG. It’s good to see it get the remaster treatment.

“Japan-based software developer Tri-Ace today announced that it has remastered its classic tactical gunplay role-playing game Resonance of Fate in 4K HD as a digital-only release on PlayStation 4 and, for the first time, on PC. The steampunk aesthetic, fateful story, soaring symphonic soundtrack, and intense gun combat for which the game is known now burst to life and play out in incredibly high resolution. ”

“Originally released in early 2010 on the PS3 and Xbox 360 platforms (and known as End of Eternity in Japan), Resonance of Fate received accolades for its ‘tri-attack’ battle system – a mix of real-time and turn-based controls; the focus on gun combat and gun customization; and its over-the-top cinematic hero actions of the main characters. Critics praised the gameplay and unique combat system that combines strategy with aerial gun battles and fast-paced thrills.”

Source: Tri-Ace


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