Since 2013



Respawn has prepared significant changes to Titanfall 2 due to feedback

After just the first Titanfall 2 Tech Test, players have had problems with the game already so Respawn has responded and made changes such as Pilot Mobility, Titan Meter, Titan Survivability, and more. Keep in mind this isn’t the actual beta, Respawn wants to test the servers and then this Fall comes the official Beta. Check out some of the new changes coming:
Pilot Mobility
Respawn will be tuning air speed and wall-running speed to be faster.
Titan Meter
Pilots will once again acquire a small passive amount of Titan meter every few seconds.
Titan Mobility 
Titan dashes will recharge faster.
Respawn  are going to bring in the fade distance for enemy outlines so they don’t reveal pilots at extreme distances.
Read More here.

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