Since 2013



Returnal Shared To Ship In First Half Of 2021 In New PlayStation 5 Launch Trailer

Among the juggernaut announcements that were featured during the first PlayStation 5 showcase dating back to June this year, Housemarque’s Returnal stood out as an entry that many anticipate to be a unique release for the next-generation system. While not providing much details on the new game, the Finnish developer does elaborate on the core mechanics of the title for sure aside from the announcement trailer.

At the time of the initial reveal, Housemarque told its new project to be a third-person translation of a roguelike experience. Reiterating on the Groundhogs Day scenario, the game’s world in cooperation with the gameplay experience is to generate dozen of different of death scenarios for the player.

While there is still no certainty as for when the game will release since, Sony does elaborate on the game’s release window. In a new PlayStation 5 launch trailer, Sony Interactive Entertainment lists Returnal to be a release in the first half of 2021. You can watch the trailer in the video below:

Throughout the trailer, Sony highlights approaching and upcoming exclusive titles only available for PlayStation 5. For Housemarque’s Returnal, the game is said to be “anticipated first half 2021” in the subtext of the trailer. The same is also said for Gran Turismo 7 which was previously reported on from GTPlanet last week.

In that, the Gran Turismo-focused outlet discovered a new advertisement for the PlayStation 5 listing the game to be a release sometime in the first segment of the following year. You can read the full report by heading here.

Are you planning to scoop up Returnal when it arrives?

Returnal is listed for PlayStation 5 with an expected 2021 release window.

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