Since 2013



Review: No More Heroes 3

  • 8/10
    Total Score - 8/10


Travis Touchdown is back to welcome some aliens to Earth, in a way only Suda 51 can manage.


Publisher – XSEED Games, Marvelous USA, Inc., Marvelous

Platforms – PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S|X, PC, Switch

“Review copy given by publisher”

The No More Heroes titles were great games by developer Grasshopper and the twisted mind of Suda 51. It’s a blend of type character action and pulpy pop culture references and humor that tastes like a dry-rubbed Deadpool.

No More Heroes 3 takes place after the events of the previous games. Instead of the Assassin rankings, you play as returning protagonist Travis Touchdown and quickly are introduced to the concept of Aliens and superheroes.

This story element is also the game’s biggest evolution from their previous games. Aliens rule the world, and you must ascend through the ranks to not just reach fame, but to save the entire world. The core gameplay loop is also anchored by tried and true NMH gameplay weapon, the Beamsaber. Grappling moves to catch and unleash slams are back, and just as bombastic as they’ve always been.

Like the earlier titles, you can do side jobs to earn income and purchase a variety of moves and upgrades. These additions aren’t just added for excitement and flair, but they are crucial to making any real progress. NMH 3 can be difficult, so taking advantage of these upgrades is crucial to surviving later boss fights.

These new systems fold into everything from their previous games to create an incredible layer of depth to the combat. It also runs like a dream on next-gen and PC, unlike the first iteration on the Switch.

As a returning veteran, the new gameplay mechanics help establish a new learning curve, and it was a much-welcome layer of depth to a combat system I’d grown comfortable with.

New players I feel might have a hard time because the sheer amount of strange activities and flavor of No More Heroes might be lost to brand-new players. Thankfully, this game features multiple difficulty modes, and even a casual mode to ensure all players of skill will be able to participate.

No More Heroes 3 is a light-hearted affair full of wit, humor, and over-the-top boss battles. Using a mecha suit and defeating aliens is a nice change of pace from earlier games. I can’t help but feel as if Travis Touchdown should take a long break, and the series as a whole could use a possible shift in style.

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